The Social Care Network (SCN) aims to improve social care services in Brooklyn through community engagement and collaboration. Speakers discussed the importance of data-driven and technology-enabled networks, as well as addressing the social determinants of health such as housing, transportation, and nutrition. Community-based organizations (CBOs) play a crucial role in shaping the delivery of social care, and innovative housing solutions are needed to address the complex needs of individuals living with chronic illnesses. The Brooklyn Community Health Initiative is a pilot program focused on improving healthcare services in the area, with a person-centered approach and community collaboration at its core.


Introduction to the Social Care Network

Introduction to the Social Care Network – Moderator – Kevin Howell – CEO, Anchor Group


CABS's Approach to the Social Care Network - Sherly Demosthenes-Atkinson - CEO, CABS Health Network

Sherly answered four key questions in her presentation:

  • Who is CABS?
  • CABS’ Vision for the Brooklyn Social Care Network
  • The CABS SCN Governance Structure
  • Mission of CABS Social Care Network in Brooklyn

The SCN Program, Funding, & Implementation Timeline - Kevin Howell, CEO, Anchor Group

Kevin provided information about the SCN, different contracting opportunities with CABS, and a general timeline for engaging CBOs should CABS be the selected lead for the Brooklyn SCN.

Michael Clarke - Senior Vice President of Programs, Housing Works

Micheal spoke about what the SCN means for Housing Works, its current program mindset, and the opportunity for us to leverage the SCN funding to innovate to close the gaps in services for many underserved populations.

Michelle Drayton - VP Health Equity, United Way of New York City

Michelle spoke about the work of United Way of NYC and how the SCN would support the expansion and impact of its nutrition initiatives in Brooklyn.


Questions & Answers

The attendees asked several questions about the SCN and the protocols around its execution. 

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